Cristina Lusca emailed me today:
Can you help me find some Mothers Day songs or poems in Romanian? Preferably religious? I need it as soon as possible!
If anyone knows of any Romanian Mother’s Day songs or poems, please comment below or email me.
Here are some other posts about Mother’s Day, including poems in other languages:
This article was posted on Tuesday, May 6th, 2008 at 5:27 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Holiday Songs, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Mother's Day Poems, Mothers Day, Mothers Day Songs, Poems, Questions, Readers Questions, Romania, Romanian. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
October 14th, 2008 at 11:50 pm
“E ziua ta mamico”
Am vrut sa-ti culeg o floare,
Un mic ghiocel frumos,
Dar pana la urma moare
Si cui e de folos?
Refren: E ziua ta, mamico,
In dar ti-am adus inima
si crede-ma, mamico,
Un dar mai frumos nu se putea.
Am vrut sa-ti culeg stelute,
sa-ti fac un frumos colier,
Dar cine nu stie oare
Ca in zori stelutele pier?
Am vrut sa-ti culeg o raza
De soare, sa-ti prind in par,
Dar tu stralucesti mai tare
De dragoste si dor.
October 15th, 2008 at 2:08 pm
Mara, could you please provide a translation?
October 25th, 2008 at 5:38 am
Unfortunately, I do not guarantee the writing, please ask a native writer to correct the mistakes:
Mama, esti pe lume tot ce mai frumos,
Ochi tei sunt limpezi, glasul ti e duios,
mama, iama-n brati,
Vreu sa te sarut
I may have forgotten a verse too… my son learnt it 2 years ago!
October 25th, 2008 at 9:39 am
Have a look there you’ll find a bunch of them.
October 27th, 2008 at 6:53 am
Another song for you, actually just lirics :)
Cine te iubeste,
Cine te-ngijeste,
Zi de zi munceste,
Pentru a te creste?
iti dai seama, este mama, mama, mama
Basme minunate,
Cine povesteste?
Jucarii frumoase,
Cine daruieste?
November 18th, 2008 at 2:16 pm
hallo! here it’s another such a wonderfull mother’s day song named “Pentru mama mea “( Ode for my wonderfull mom)
Ref. Pentru ea voi fi soarele-n zori,
Pentru ea voi face o casa din flori,
Pentru zambetul ei minunat
E totul pentru mama mea!
Cand ma trezesc, e acolo –
E langa mine si-mi e bine
Si cu zambetul ei ma incalzeste mereu.
Daca intr-o zi ar uita cat de mult inseamna pentru mine
II voi reaminti cantecul meu!
November 18th, 2008 at 3:22 pm
Ramona, could you please provide a translation to these songs?
May 6th, 2010 at 6:45 pm
Monique, i not exalty right but here’s my translation of the song posted by Ramona Abrudan:
For her it will be dawn,
For her there will be a house of flowers,
for her wonderful smile,
Everything is for my mother!
When I wake up, she’s there,
She is beside me
and with her smile she warms me always.
If one day I forget how much she means to me
I will remember my song!
May 7th, 2010 at 4:28 pm
Thank you Rebecca!
August 8th, 2010 at 3:30 pm
My 20 month old son now has a passion for the e’chugga’, thank you for the videos.
October 16th, 2024 at 8:30 pm
Am vrut să‑ţi culeg o floare,
Un mic ghiocel frumos,
Dar până la urmă moare
Şi nu e de folos.
De ziua ta, mămico,
În dar ţi‑am adus inima
Şi credemă, mămico,
Un dar mai frumos nu se putea.
De ziua ta, mămico,
În dar ţi‑am adus inima
Şi credemă, mămico,
Un dar mai frumos nu se putea.
2. Am vrut să‑ţi culeg steluţe
Să‑ţi fac un frumos colier,
Dar cine nu ştie oare,
Că‑n zori stelele pier.
De ziua ta, mămico,
În dar ţi‑am adus inima
Şi credemă, mămico,
Un dar mai frumos nu se putea.
De ziua ta, mămico,
În dar ţi‑am adus inima
Şi credemă, mămico,
Un dar mai frumos nu se putea.
3. Am vrut să-ţi culeg o rază,
S-o prind în al tău păr,
Dar tu străluceşti mai tare,
De dragoste şi dor.
De ziua ta, mămico,
În dar ţi‑am adus inima
Şi credemă, mămico,
Un dar mai frumos nu se putea.
De ziua ta, mămico,
În dar ţi‑am adus inima
Şi credemă, mămico,
Un dar mai frumos nu se putea.
In English (a close translation)
I wanted to pick you a flower,
A beautiful snowdrop,
But eventually it dies,
And it is not useful
On your birthday/Mother‘s Day Mommy,
I bring you my heart as a gift,
Above all dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
On your birthday/Mother‘s Day Mommy,
I bring you my heart as a gift,
Above all dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
I wanted to pluck the stars,
For a lovely necklace for you,
But in the morning always,
The stars fade away too
On your birthday/Mother‘s Day Mommy,
I bring you my heart as a gift,
Above all dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
On your birthday/Mother‘s Day Mommy,
I bring you my heart as a gift,
Above all dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
I wanted to bring you the Sun,
As a hairpiece for your hair,
But you shine so much brighter
Of love and longing there
On your birthday/Mother‘s Day Mommy,
I bring you my heart as a gift,
Above all dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
On your birthday/Mother‘s Day Mommy,
I bring you my heart as a gift,
Above all dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
There is also a version in German
Ich wollte dir Blumen bringen,
Als Geschenk zum Muttertag,
Doch Blumen verwelken, und ich weiß,
Dass niemand so was mag.
Und darum liebe Mami,
Bring ich dir mein Herz und ich denk‘
Von allen liebe Mami,
Ist mein Herz das schönste Geschenk!
Und darum liebe Mami,
Bring ich dir mein Herz und ich denk‘
Von allen liebe Mami,
Ist mein Herz das schönste Geschenk!
Ich wollte dir Sterne pflücken,
Ja für eine Kette so schön,
Doch im Morgengrauen immer,
Verblassen die Sterne schon
Und darum liebe Mami,
Bring ich dir mein Herz und ich denk‘
Von allen liebe Mami,
Ist mein Herz das schönste Geschenk!
Und darum liebe Mami,
Bring ich dir mein Herz und ich denk‘
Von allen liebe Mami,
Ist mein Herz das schönste Geschenk!
Ich wollte dir die Sonne bringen,
Als Schmuckstück für dein Haar,
Doch, du strahlst so viel heller,
Vor Liebe, so wunderbar
Und darum liebe Mami,
Bring ich dir mein Herz und ich denk‘
Von allen liebe Mami,
Ist mein Herz das schönste Geschenk!
Und darum liebe Mami,
Bring ich dir mein Herz und ich denk‘
Von allen liebe Mami,
Ist mein Herz das schönste Geschenk!
The Translation for the German version
I wanted to bring you flowers,
As a gift for Mother’s Day,
But flowers can wilt and I know,
That no one likes it that way
And so my dear Mommy,
I give you my heart and I think,
Above all, dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
And so my dear Mommy,
I give you my heart and I think,
Above all, dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
I wanted to pluck the stars,
For a lovely necklace for you,
But in the Morning always,
The stars fade away too
And so my dear Mommy,
I give you my heart and I think,
Above all, dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
And so my dear Mommy,
I give you my heart and I think,
Above all, dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
I wanted to bring you the Sun,
As a hairpiece for your hair,
But you shine so much brighter,
With your wonderful love that‘s there,
And so my dear Mommy,
I give you my heart and I think,
Above all, dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift
And so my dear Mommy,
I give you my heart and I think,
Above all, dear Mommy,
Is my heart the loveliest gift