دس دسی
Take the child's hand and start to play with the small finger. Then sing the song and bend the fingers down one by one…

دس دسی
This is the Small, Smally
Finger Play
Finger Play
این کوچول موچوله
(انگشت کوچک به داخل تا می شود)
این مادر موچوله
(انگشت دوم به داخل تا می شود)
این پدر کوچوله
(انگشت سوم به داخل تا می شود)
این قبا بلنده
(انگشت سبابه به داخل تا می شود)
این شپش کشنده
( انگشت شست به داخل تا می شود )
This is the small, smally!
(Bend the small finger.)
This is the smally mother
(Bend the next finger.)
This is the smally father
(Bend the third finger.)
This is the tall gown
(Bend the index finger.)
This is the dangerous louse!
(Bend the thumb.)
In koochool mochoole
In koochool mochoole.
In madare mochoole.
In pedare kochoole.
In qaba bolande.
In shepeshe koshande.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Fatimah Baji for contributing, transliterating and translating this rhyme.
Khay'ly Mo'teh'shaker'am!