El Elefante del circo
Our contributor wrote, "Many Venezuelans are familiar enough with this one. I don't know if they sing it in other Spanish-speaking countries because there's not much evidence that they do."
El Elefante del circo
The Circus Elephant
Canción infantil
Children's Song
El elefante del circo mueve sus patas así,
es muy grande, muy pesado y no se parece a ti.
Si le das un manicito, su gran trompa moverá
y luego con las orejas muchas gracias te dará.
The circus elephant moves its legs like this,
It's very big, very heavy and doesn't look like you.
If you give it a peanut, its large trunk will move,
And then, with its ears, it will thank you very much.

The song starts at 0:58.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to our contributor for sharing this version with us! Translated by Monique Palomares.