بشکن بشکن
Nowruz is the Persian New Year, which takes place at the beginning of Spring.
Haji Firuz is a fictional character in Persian folklore who plays the tambourine and sings and dances in the streets at the beginning of Nowruz. His face is covered in soot and he wears bright red clothes and a conical hat. Some people give him money when he sings and dances.
This is one of the songs he sings.
Beshkan is a Persian snap that's done differently than the Western snap.
بشکن بشکن
Snap! Snap!
New Year's Song
New Year's Song
بشکن بشکنه، بشکن
من نمی شکنم، بشکن
اینجا بشکنم، یار گله داره
اونجا بشکنم، یار گله داره
این سیاه بیچاره چقدر حوصله داره
It's a snap-snap, snap!
I won't snap, snap!
If I snap here, this one will complain
If I snap there, that one will complain
How patient this poor man is!
Beshkan beshkan e, beshkan!
Man nemish-kanam, beshkan!
Inja beshkanam, yar gele dare
Unja beshkanam, yar gele dare
In siah e bichare che qad howsele dare!

Learn the Beshkan snap here.
Fatima wrote, "This song is really popular in Iran and is part of Iranian folklore."
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Fatima Baji for sharing this song with us!
Image: Haji Firuz on the road, c.c.
Caption to Photo: "Nowruz in Tehran, Haji Firuz, celebrating the Iranian New Year on the road in Tehran Province, March 2013. The Iranian New Year (Nowruz) is always in March. It is a big celebration with many kind of events. Haji Firuz is one of them. Nowruz corresponds to our Christmas."
Khay'ly Mo'teh'shaker'am!