In Portugal, kids go door-to-door on all Saints Day, November 1. (Poor beggars used to too.) They sing songs and are given treats in return. They're given broas (small bread-like cakes), chocolate, nuts and sometimes money. The holiday is called Pão-por-Deus (Bread of God) or "Dia dos Bolinhos" (Day of Cookies) .


*This is sometimes "bela cruz" (beautiful cross) instead of "vera cruz" (true cross). It can also be found as "daquela cruz" (of this cross).


When the host gives something to the children, they sometimes chant:

Esta casa cheira a broa
Aqui mora gente boa.
Esta casa cheira a vinho
Aqui mora algum santinho.

English Translation:

This house smells of bread
Here live good people.
This house smells of wine
Here lives a saint.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music -  Bolinhos e bolinhós

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Sarah Medeiros for sharing the score! Translated by Lisa.