Birthday Songs From Portugal and The Dominican Republic


Since the “Happy Birthday to You” song has recently gone out of copyright, we’ve enhanced our collection of Birthday Songs around the World!

There are however two birthday songs that we know of that are widely sung and that are still under copyright.

One is a Portuguese Birthday Song called “Parabéns a você” (Congratulations).  It was written by Mrs. Bertha Celeste Homem de Mello. You can find the lyrics here.

The other copyrighted birthday song is from the Dominican Republic and is called “El Regalo Mejor” (The Best Gift). It was written by Ramón Rafael Casado Soler.

There’s a story about the origin of this song.  Massiel wrote to us about it as follows….

The origin of this song is awkward. It was a song written by four men who were imprisoned during Trujillo’s era in jail and they sang it all night long to distract the jail keepers while they escaped. Trujillo was a dictator and a villain. Nonetheless, this song has remained part of our culture since then and D.R. happens to be the first country in Latin America to have its own birthday song.

According to the author’s nephew, this story is apocryphal. He states that the song was actually written many years earlier, before his uncle got married.

You can read more about this song here (in Spanish).

Please feel free to share the birthday song that’s sung in your country in the comments below. You can find many other versions on our Birthday Songs around the World page.

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 at 2:28 pm and is filed under Birthday Songs, Birthdays, Brazil, Countries & Cultures, Dominican Republic, Holiday Songs, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Portugal, Portuguese, Spanish. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Responses to “Birthday Songs From Portugal and The Dominican Republic”

  1. Mary J Craver Says:

    My grandmother used to sing this birthday song: A happy birthday to you, a happy birthday to you, May you feel Jesus near every day of the year. A happy birthday to you. A happy birthday to you and (I can’t remember the ending.)

  2. Joyce Souza Says:

    The link to the page with the”Parabéns à Você” isn’t working. The melody is the same as “Happy Birthday to You”. In Brazil we sing it like this:

    Parabéns p’ra você,
    Nesta data querida,
    Muitas felicidades,
    Muitos anos de vida!

    In Portugal, they add a second part:

    Parabéns à você,
    Nesta data querida,
    Muitas felicidades,
    Muitos anos de vida!

    Hoje é dia de festa,
    Cantam as nossas almas,
    Para o/a menino/a ………(Name of the person, the o/a is for male /female
    Uma salva de Palmas!

  3. Lisa Says:

    Thanks Joyce! I fixed the link above.

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