"This song is sung by children as part of a game. This game is one of the sweetest memories of my childhood! We played it with our older siblings." -Fatima

أهل  الجنة إش تأکلون - Iranian Children's Songs - Iran - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*People of Heaven
**"We have a lot of this vegetable here in Iran in the summer. We don't use it in cooking. We eat it raw like basil." -Fatima



Ahl al-jannah ish takloon
Ish takloon
Ish o bosal o barbeen!

Game Instructions

In this game one of the children lays down and one friend takes her hands and another friend takes her legs. Then they raise her and start swinging her and sing this song. This game is one of the sweetest memories of my childhood! We played this game with our older siblings.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Fatima Baji for contributing, transliterating and translating this song.

Image: "Portulaca sativa 01". Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.