Elvas is a small city in Portugal...


Alternate 2nd verse and chorus:

No seio da Virgem Maria
Encarnou a divina graça
Entrou e saiu por ela
Como o sol pela vidraça.

Arre burriquito
Vamos a Belém
A ver o menino
Que a senhora tem
Que a senhora tem
Que a senhora adora
Arre burriquito
Vamo-nos embora.

English translation

In Virgin Mary's bosom
The divine grace became incarnate
It entered and went out through her
Like the sun through the windowpane.

Giddy up, little donkey
Let's go to Bethlehem
To see the Child
Whom the lady has,
Whom the lady has,
Whom the lady adores,
Giddy up, little donkey
Let us get started.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Natal de Elvas

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Monique Palomares for translating this song for us.
