A Portuguese song that's sung in Brazil to the tune of "She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain when She Comes"….


*Guarina is a climbing plant with a small red fruit. Brazil produces several soft drink brands from guarana extract. The word guaraná is widely used in Brazil as a reference to soft drinks containing guarana extract.

Game Instructions


On "Ip op" – Thumbs up and down.
On "Ondulado" – Make a wave with your hand.
On "Glup, glup" – Mime drinking something.
On "Ai que dor" – Put your hand on your belly miming a belly-ache.

In between those actions the leader can decide that everyone should clap up and down, dance or do some other action.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Dominic Phillips for pointing out this song! Translated by Lisa Yannucci.