Pombinha branca
Pombinha branca
Little White Dove
Children's Song
Children's Song
Pombinha branca, que está fazendo
Lavando roupa pro casamento
Vou me lavar, vou me trocar
Vou na janela pra namorar
Passou um moço, de terno branco
Chapéu de lado, meu namorado
Mandei entrar, mandei sentar
Cuspiu no chão,
Limpa aí seu porcalhão
Tenha mais educação.
Little white dove, what are you doing?
Washing laundry for the wedding.
I'm going to wash up, I'm going to get changed,
I'm going to the window to flirt.
A young man passed by in a white suit,
Hat tilted to the side, my sweetheart,
I had him come in, I had him sit down,
He spat on the floor.
Clean up your filth there,
Have better manners!

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Dominic Phillips for contributing this song! Translated by Monique and Lisa.