En sockerbagare
Sockerbagaren was originally the Danish song called, (Der bor en bager på Nørregade).
En sockerbagare
A Baker
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
En sockerbagare här bor i staden,
han bakar kakor mest hela dagen.
Han bakar stora, han bakar små,
han bakar några med socker på.
Och i hans fönster hänga julgranssaker
och hästar, grisar och pepparkakor.
Och är du snäller så kan du få,
men är du stygger så får du gå!
A baker lives here in the city,
He bakes cookies mostly all day long.
He bakes big ones, he bakes small ones,
He bakes a few with sugar on top.
And in his window hangs Christmas tree decorations
And horses, pigs and gingerbread.
And if you're kind you can have some,
But if you're bad you must leave!
Note: A sockerbagare can also refer to a confectioner.
Lyrics and music by Alice Tegnér (1864-1943).
According to Wikipedia, "Sockerbagaren is a Danish song rewritten by Alice Tegnér that was published in volume 3 of Sjung med oss, mamma! in 1895.
Song lyrics refer to a pastry chef. The final lines were originally; Och har du pengar så kan du få, men har du inga så får du gå. (And if you have money you can get it, but if you nave none, so you can go). Elsa Beskow, who illustrated many of Alice Tegnér's songbooks, is said to have disliked this, and proposed instead the lyrics with 'snäller' and 'stygger'. The song is heavily associated with Saint Lucy and Christmas, with references to 'Christmas tree' decorations and 'gingerbread'."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Kaitlyn for contributing this song and translating it and for providing a score.
Tack så mycket!