This is a Christmas song that's often sung while holding hands and dancing in a circle around the Christmas tree.


Here's a translation to make the song more fun in English. It's not as literal. It can be found in the book, "Swedish Song-plays: Used at the New York Normal School of Physical Education" (1908) by Jakob Bolin.

Now it is Christmastime
And now it is Christmastime,
And Christmastime will last till Easter.
Then we'll have Eastertime
And then we'll have Eastertime
And Eastertime will last till Christmas.

Then 'twill be Christmastime,
And then 'twill be Christmastime,
And Christmastime will last till Easter.
But this cannot be true
For you see between the two
We have the time that we call Lenten.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Nu är det jul igen

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Elizabeth Aronson for sending us the lyrics and translation for this song.