"Many people have recorded this song, but it's a traditional song from the northeast.

The first verse [the chorus below] is the most common and the other verses are usually improvised." - Bruna

Eu morava na areia - Brazilian Children's Songs - Brazil - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*"'Sertão' is a dry region in the northeast of Brazil. Geographically, it's not exactly a desert. I translated it as 'desert' because many sources say that sertão is a diminutive form of desertão (big desert), the word by which the Portuguese colonizers called this place. - Bruna
**"Bem-querer is a nickname for a person you love, like darling or sweetheart. It means you want the person to feel good, 'good will'." - Bruna

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Eu morava na areia

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Bruna Marcela Benevenutti for sharing this song with us, for the score and translation (with Lisa)!

Image: By Diogo Sergio, cc.
