Aj, lúčka, lúčka široká
Folk song from Bohemia (West Czech)...

Aj, lúčka, lúčka široká
Oh, The Meadow is Wide
Folk Song
Folk Song
Aj, lúčka, lúčka široká,
Roste na ní tráva, roste na ní tráva,
Aj, lúčka, lúčka široká,
Roste na ní tráva, vysoká, hej !
Teče voda z hora, čistá ja jako já,
Toči se do kola, okolo javora okolo mńa.
Teče voda z hora, čistá ja jako já,
Toči se do kola, okolo javora okolo mńa.
Žali tam na ní dvě panny,
Obĕ žalostnĕ, obĕ žalostnĕ
Žali tam na ní dvě panny,
Obĕ žalostnĕ, plakaly, hej !
Díval se na nĕ z hradu pán,
Na sve pachole, na sve pachole
Díval se na nĕ z hradu pán,
Na sve pachole, zavolal, hej !
Oh, the meadow, the meadow is wide,
The grass is growing, the grass is growing
Oh, the meadow, the meadow is wide,
The grass is growing high, hey!
The water flows from the mountain, pure like me,
Spiraling around, around the maple and me
The water flows from the mountain, pure like me
Spiraling around, around the maple and me.
Two maidens lived there,
Both woeful, both woeful,
Two maidens lived there,
Both woeful, crying, hey!
The lord was looking at them from the castle,
Calling his groom, calling his groom,
The lord was looking at them from the castle,
Calling his groom, calling out, hey!
"Almost all Japanese people know the Japanese version of this song!" -Sadao

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Sadao Mazuka for sharing this song with us and for creating the midi.
Translation by Lisa. We always welcome help fine-tuning translations!