Eu perdi o meu lencinho
Eu perdi o meu lencinho
I've Lost My Handkerchief
Drop the Handkerchief Game
Drop the Handkerchief Game
Eu perdi o meu lencinho
No terreiro a brincar
Minha mãe não me dá outro
Só a ti eu quero achar.
Alarga a roda
Que eu também
Lá quero entrar.
I've lost my handkerchief
Playing in the yard
My mother doesn't give me another,
Only you I want to find.
Enlarge the circle
Because I want to
Go in also.
Game Instructions
The children sit in a circle. The person who is "It" goes around the outside of the circle holding a handkerchief while all of the kids are singing the song. Eventually, she drops the handkerchief behind a child's back. That child has to pick up the handkerchief and chase the one who's "It" around the circle until the one who's "It" takes the 2nd child's spot. The second child is now "It". If the one who's "It" is caught first, she continues being "It".

'Alarga a roda que eu também lá quero entrar' which I've found on the blog of a Portuguese girl. It means, "enlarge the circle because I want to go in also".
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ana Ruellon for translating this song for us!