世 上 只 有 妈 妈 好 (Shi shang zhi you mama hao)
"'Shi shang zhi you mama hao' is a very famous Chinese lullaby the equivalent to "Rockabye Baby" in China. -Rhianna
This is also a Mother's Day Song. Mother's Day is celebrated in China on the 2nd Sunday in May.
You can find the pronunciation of this song in the Notes.

世 上 只 有 妈 妈 好 (Shi shang zhi you mama hao)
Mommy is the Best in the World
世 上 只 有 妈 妈 好
有 妈 的 孩 子 像 个 宝
投 进 了 妈 妈 的 怀 抱
幸 福 享 不 了
世 上 只 有 妈 妈 好
没 妈 的 孩 子 像 根 草
离 开 妈 妈 的 怀 抱
幸 福 哪 里 找
Mommy is the best in the world
With a mom you have the most valuable treasure
Jump into your mom's heart
And you will find happiness!
Mommy is the best in the world
Without your mom, you are like a blade of grass
Away from your mom's heart
Where will you find happiness?
Pinyin (Pronunciation)
Shì shàng zhí yǒu mā ma hǎo
yǒu mā de hái zi xiàng gè bǎo
tóu jìn le mā ma de huái bào
xìng fú xiǎng bù liǎo
Shì shàng zhí yǒu mā ma hǎo*
méi mā de hái zi xiàng gēn cǎo
lí kāi mā ma de huái bào
xìng fú nǎ lǐ zhǎo
*Some sing this line is: "Méi yǒu mā ma zuì kú nǎo" - 没 有 妈 妈 最 苦 恼 (A child without a mommy is worried and anxious.
Seren Koo wrote the following info about this song, "...a very popular old song from a 1958 movie called 'Wandering Orphan' starring 11 year old Josephine Siao (Xiao Fang Fang)."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Illustrated by: George Washington Hood (1921) - The Chinese Fairy Book.
M goi! & Xie xie!