Mana Kuching?
"There is another song that we were taught: 'Mana Kuching?' It's to the tune of 'Frère Jacques'." -Ajar Anak

Mana Kuching?
Where is the Cat?
Children's Song
Children's Song
Mana kuching?
Mana kuching?
Di dapur,
Di dapur.
Curi makan ikan,
Curi makan ikan.
Miao, miao, miao.
Miao, miao, miao.
Where is the cat?
Where is the cat?
In the kitchen,
In the kitchen.
It stole and ate the fish*,
It stole and ate the fish,
Meow, meow, meow,
Meow, meow, meow.
*Ajar Anak originally translated this line to, "eating the fish" and wrote, "'Curi makan ikan' means 'stealing to eat fish', but I don't quite know how to fit it into the tune."
I changed the line to "It stole and ate the fish" - which put it in the past tense but maintains the meaning of 'stealing to eat the fish' and also fits the tune. We welcome other suggestions for translating this line! -Mama Lisa
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ajar Anak for contributing this song. Translated by Ajar Anak and Mama Lisa.
Terima kasih banyak-banyak!