Щедрик (Shchedryk)
A Christmas Carol and New Year's Song
"Shchedryk" was written and composed by Mykola Leontovych (1877-1921) in 1916 as a New Year Carol. The tune is based on an older Ukrainian folk tune. This carol tells of a bountiful New Year.

Щедрик (Shchedryk)
Bountiful Night
New Year's Song
New Year's Song
Щедрик щедрик,
прилeтiла ластiвочка,
стала собi щебетати,
господаря викликати:
"Вийди, вийди, господарю,
подивися на кошару,
там овечки покотились,
а ягнички народились.
В тебе товар весь хороший,
будеш мати мiрку грошей,
В тебе товар весь хороший,
будеш мати мiрку грошей,
хоч не грошей, то полова:
в тебе жiнка чорноброва."
Щедрик щедрик,
прилeтiла ластiвочка.
Bountiful, bountiful,
New Year's Carol,
A little swallow flew in
And started twittering
To call the master*:
"Come, come, master,
Look at the sheep pen,
There the lambs nestle,
And lambkins were born.
Since you have all good livestock,
You shall have a lot of money.
Since you have all good livestock,
You shall have a lot of money,
If not money, then chaff:
You have a beautiful dark-browed wife."
Bountiful, bountiful,
New Year's Carol,
A little swallow flew in.
*Master of the house
Shchedryk shchedryk,
Pryletila lastivochka,
Stala sobi shchebetaty,
Hospodarya vyklykaty:
"Vyydy, vyydy, hospodaryu,
Podyvysya na kosharu,
Tam ovechky pokotylys',
A yahnychky narodylys'.
V tebe tovar ves' khoroshyy,
Budesh' maty mirku hroshey,
V tebe tovar ves' khoroshyy,
Budesh' maty mirku hroshey,
Khoch ne hroshey, to polova:
V tebe zhinka chornobrova."
Shchedryk shchedryk,
Pryletila lastivochka.
Alternate Translation:
Bountiful, bountiful,
New Year's Carol;
A little swallow flew in
And started to twitter
Calling the master of the house,
"Come! Come quickly, master,
Look at your homestead,
Over there the ewes are rolling
And the lambkins have been born.
Since your livestock is healthy,
You will have a lot of money.
Since your livestock is healthy,
You will have a lot of money,
If not money, then grains*.
You have a wife who personifies beauty."
Bountiful, bountiful,
New Year's Carol,
A little swallow flew in
And started to twitter.
There's a popular American version of this carol called, "Carol of the Bells" which was written by Peter J. Wilhousky (1902-1978). You can hear it all over the US at Christmastime.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translation by Mama Lisa.
Duzhe dyakuyu!
Дуже Дякую!