Kim wrote asking for help with a Ukrainian rhyme her grandmother sings. She would like the correct spelling. Here’s Kim’s email along with a recording in which her grandmother sang the rhyme…
My Grandmother was trying to teach me the words today to this Ukrainian rhyme. I do not speak Ukrainian, and she cannot spell or write, so it was challenging. Here’s the recording:
MP3 Recording of Pitchoo Pitchoo
English phonetics the way grandma pauses:
Pitchoo pitchoo bab koo
(forming the loaf, tossing the kids head side to side)
Klaudu nullif pob koo
(putting the bread on the board or in the cupboard to rise, tossing kids head side to side still)
Vee pra vichka, du la wichka
(taking the bread from the cupboard and onto the paddle for the oven, kids head is still)
Shush, shush, shush
(bread into the oven, kids head forward and backwards)I wish I had a better phonetic translation.
If anyone could help Kim with the Ukrainian text to this rhyme and/or a better phonetic version, please comment below.
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Monday, June 9th, 2014 at 11:13 am and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Languages, MP3 Recordings, MP3's, Nursery Rhymes, Questions, Readers Questions, Recordings, Recordings of Nursery Rhymes, Ukraine, Ukrainian, Ukrainian Children's Songs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
June 9th, 2014 at 12:32 pm
I asked my Ukrainian friend Marijka Hayda about this rhyme. Here’s what she wrote:
I had to get my friend Ihor Czuczuk to help translate. He actually has heard this diddy!
Ukie Version:
Печу, печу xлібчик,
Дітям на обідчик.
Меншичкому – менший,
Більшичкому – більший.
Шусть y піч! Шусть y піч!
Сажай – виймай!
Сажай – виймай!
Ріжу ріжу я, Кyштую, Гам!
English Translation:
I am baking, baking bread
For the children for lunch.
The smaller will get less,
The bigger will get more.
Dash it into the stove! Dash it into the stove!
Put it in – take it out!
Put it in – take it out!
I am cutting, cutting bread, I am eating, – Yum!
Pechu, pechu xlibchyk,
Dityam na obidchyk.
Menshychkomu – menshyj,
Bil’shychkomu – bil’shyj.
Shust’ y pich! Shust’ y pich!
Sazhaj – vyjmaj! Sazhaj – vyjmaj!
Rizhu rizhu ya, Kyshtuyu, Ham!
I never heard This rhyme. Ihor is from the west and I’m from the east. Could be regional.
July 7th, 2014 at 12:37 am
Lisa and Marijka
Thank you!
That is amazing, it means so much to us to have this as Grandma can’t see to read or write anymore so we were very lost with this. I appreciate all the work you went to.
Bless you,
July 28th, 2014 at 10:05 am
Hello! I’m from Ukraine :-)
I grew up in Poltava (central region) and now I live in Rivne (western region).
We use such version:
Печу, печу хлібчик,
Дітям на обідчик,
Маком посиплю,
Медом помажу.
А далі – шусь у піч, шусь у піч!
I am baking, baking bread,
For the children for lunch?
I’ll cover it with some poppy
I’ll anoint it with honey.
And then shuh into the oven, shuh into the oven!
Pechu, pechu hlibchyk
Ditjam na obidchyk
Makom posyplu
Medom pomagu
A dali- shus u pich, shus u pich.
We also show all the moves with our hands.
April 10th, 2017 at 6:14 pm
Hi, Kimberly!
I’m Viktor, from Ukraine.
I’ve found one variant, which is very close to what you wrote:
Печу-печу бабку,
(Petchu petchu babkoo- [I’m] baking baking ‘babka’ (kind of a pudding, bread-like dish,
Кладу на лопатку
(Klaudoo nah lopatkoo- [I’m] putting it on a paddle)
Шух у піч!
(Shuh u pich- Dash into the stove)