Heigh-ho! Nobody Home
This song can also be sung as "Hey Ho Anybody Home".

Heigh-ho! Nobody Home
Heigh ho, nobody home
Meat nor drink nor money have I none.
Yet will I be merry.
Here's another version of this song:
Heigh ho, anybody home
Meat nor drink nor money have I none.
Still will I be very, very, merry.
Here are more verses that are sometimes sung with this song. Some come from another song called "Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose".
Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose
Will I ever see thee wed
I will marry at thy will, sire,
At thy will.
Ding dong, ding dong
Wedding bells on an April morn
Carve my name on a moss covered stone,
On a moss covered stone.
Ah poor bird
Take thy flight
Fly above the sorrows
Of this sad night.
This song dates back to the 16th century according to "An Elizabethan Virginal Book" (1905) by Edward Woodall Naylor. There's a version of it in Pammelia. Mvsicks Miscellanie (1609). Pammelia is a collection of English rounds and canons, 1st published in England in 1609 by Thomas Ravenscroft . Here's the version from Pammelia:
Hey, ho, nobody at home;
Meat nor drink nor money have I none;
Fill the pot, Edie!
"Heigh Ho Anybody Home" is often sung by carolers at Christmas time.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Lila for contributing this song!