Mi gallito
Mary Jane sent this song with the note, "I would like to contribute 'Mi gallito,' which I learned in Bolivia, but I believe is sung in many Latin American countries."

Mi gallito
My Little Rooster
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Mi gallito se ha perdido, la, la,
Pobrecito, la, la, pobrecito, la, la.
Y no lo puedo encontrar.
Lo he buscado en Alemania, la, la,
En Italia, la, la, en Italia, la, la,
Y también en el Japón.
Tiene cresta colorada, la, la,
Tiene plumas amarillas, la, la,
Aletea, la, la, aletea, la, la,
Y también dice "quiriquiquí."
My little rooster is lost,
Poor little thing, poor little thing,
And I can't find him.
I've searched for him in Germany,
in Italy, in Italy,
and also in Japan.
He has a red comb,
he has yellow feathers,
he flaps his wings,
and says "cock-a-doodle-do."
Note from Mary Jane: "It's fun to add hand motions when singing. For example, at 'pobrecito,' wipe away tears. When referring to the three countries, use hand as a visor to look around, and point in different directions. When mentioning the body parts, run hands over those parts, and flap wings. Add others as children suggest them or as you think of them."
Note from Mama Lisa: Sometimes the first line of verse 1 & 2 is sung twice before continuing on to the next line.
Learn the Chilean Version of Mi gallito.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Mary Jane Wilkie for contributing, translating and singing this song for us!
¡Muchas gracias!