Does Anyone Know a Spanish Lullaby about a Bug that Lost its Leg or Wing?

Sabrina wrote to me looking for help with a Spanish lullaby, possibly from the Dominican Republic…

Hey Lisa,

I don’t know if you can help me out. My name is Sabrina, I am 29 years old and I was married to a Dominican man who unfortunately passed away of cancer last year. I am originally from Germany, so my Spanish is rather horrible, also I always wanted to learn this beautiful language…

I remember my husband singing a Spanish lullaby or children’s song for me from time to time. If I remember right, this song was about a bug/beetle who lost a leg or a wing. Searching for the lyrics and melody of this song through the internet I found your homepage. Can you help me to find this song? I am grateful for every hint or tip.

Thanks so much, SABRINA.

If anyone can help with the lyrics to this lullaby, and/or and English translation, and/or the tune, please let us know in the comments below…


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Saturday, February 21st, 2009 at 8:31 pm and is filed under Argentina, Bolivia, Children's Songs, Chile, Costa Rica, Countries & Cultures, Cuba, Dominican Children's Songs, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Languages, Lullabies, Mama Lisa, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Questions, Readers Questions, Spain, Spanish, Spanish Kids Songs, Spanish Lullabies, USA, Venezuela. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

5 Responses to “Does Anyone Know a Spanish Lullaby about a Bug that Lost its Leg or Wing?”

  1. Monique Says:

    Wouldn’t that be “La cucaracha”? There’s a “soft” version going
    “La cucaracha, la cucaracha
    Ya no puede caminar
    Porque no tiene, porque le falta
    las dos patitas de atrĂ¡s”
    “The cockroach, the cockroach / can’t walk anymore / because it hasn’t, because its two hindlegs are missing” (the original last line is “marihuana que fumar”, i.e. “marihuana to smoke”) You can see a YouTube video here

  2. Nancy Says:

    the original songs second verse is
    “una cucaracha pinta le djio a una colorada
    vamonos para mi tiera a pasar la temporada.
    The original last line is this. (marihuana que fumar is not in the original childrens song)

  3. Monique Says:

    There are three Mudcat threads about “La cucaracha” (this one will lead you to the others) and it doesn’t seem that the song was any children’s song.

  4. Ysaura Says:

    I think it goes,
    La cucaracha, la cucaracha
    ya no puede caminar
    porque le falta, porque le falta
    la patita principal.

    Una cucaracha grande
    se metio en un hormiguero,
    pero las hormigas
    la patia le comieron.
    (Repetir primer verso)

  5. Amy Says:

    I think that you are talking about Una cucaracha.

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