Spanish Song – Yo te daré (I Will Give You) with an MP3

Élodie Chebat sent us Yo te daré in Spanish with an mp3 recording. You can hear her sing it below, and read along with the lyrics, followed by an English translation…

MP3 of Yo te daré

Yo te daré

Yo te daré
Te daré mi hermosa
Te daré una cosa
Una cosa que yo sólo sé, café

I Will Give You
(English Translation)

I will give you,
I will give you my pretty,
I will give you a thing,
The only thing I know, coffee.

Many thanks to Élodie Chebat for contributing this song and for singing it for us, and to Monique Palomares of Mamá Lisa’s World en español for translating it into English.

Check out the Yo te daré song page for the midi, the score and a French translation.


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 at 5:03 pm and is filed under Argentina, Bolivia, Children's Songs, Chile, Costa Rica, Countries & Cultures, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, English, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Mama Lisa, Mexico, MP3's, Peru, Recordings of Songs, Spain, Spanish, Spanish Kids Songs, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

13 Responses to “Spanish Song – Yo te daré (I Will Give You) with an MP3”

  1. Rösch Beat Says:

    Wrong Lyric!

    Correct lyric is:

    Yo te daré
    Te daré una cosa,
    und cosa hermosa
    Una cosa que yo sólo sé, o-lé

  2. Monique Says:

    I’m sorry Rösch but unless you can provide a copyrighted document showing that yours are the correct lyrics, we’ll have to consider that they are another version of the song (Cf. Mama Lisa’s Blog post about traditional songs. You just have to put “Yo te daré, te daré niña hermosa” into Google to see how many “wrong lyrics” are around. And check this Porto Rico children’s songbook.

  3. Lisa Says:

    Even if someone wrote a song, say 200 years ago, and had a “correct” version, and then 50 or 100 years later people changed the song and started singing it differently, you’d have to consider the new version legitimate too. Since that would be the one that everyone’s singing.

    With Spanish songs, the issue is even more confusing since they travel so far and wide. There are many versions that exist and for everyone who sings it… their version feels like the “REAL” one. The fact is that there are many versions of songs and rhymes. Viva la différence!

    Mama Lisa

  4. manoli Says:

    yo te dare
    te dare nina hermosa
    te dare una cosa
    una cosa que yo solo se, cafe

  5. eli levy Says:

    we used to sing in Colombia when I was a child “yo te dare, te dare te dare niña hermosa, te dare una cosa, una cosa que yo solo sé: café.”

  6. dude Says:

    i agree with eli levy i had some version as a child

  7. dee Says:

    Would it be possible to get the guitar tablature for this song, as played on your website? I’ve looked everywhere and I am unable to read sheet music. I’m just looking to play this for my little girls.


  8. Svetlana Says:

    Se oye rujir del vendoval
    quien pudiera salir de aqui con este temporal (twice)
    una mananna de nievla sali muy temprano me fui a pasear
    tuve que pasa la ………….que es puerto del mar

    You estudiaba la lengua espanola en la univarsidad more than 30 years ago and use to sing this song. Hope to be helpful

  9. Monique Says:

    There are two different songs in the lines above:
    The first is…

    El vendaval

    Héchenle vino a los vasos
    Que caiga a la mesa
    Que empiece a correr
    Que habiendo una buena moza
    Y una buena cena
    Qué dicha y placer

    Se oye el rugir del vendaval
    Nadie se atreva a salir de aquí con este temporal

    Dices que te vas, ingrata,
    Para nuevos rumbos
    Para no volver.
    Si quieres, te casas conmigo,
    Qué lindo sería
    Qué dicha y placer.

    The second is:

    Una mañana temprano cogí mi caballo y salí a pasear
    Tuve que cruzar la vía de Villagarcía
    Que es puerto de mar.

  10. Elizabeth Shuman Says:

    ¡Qué canción más cautivadora! Ms. Chebat plays and sings beautifully. Me gustaria mucho aprender la parte de guitarra, se podria publicar aquí también las partituras sueltas?

  11. Al Catasus Says:

    I don’t like your translation of the lyrics in Yo te daré:
    The version I’m familiar with goes:

    Yo te daré
    Te daré niña hermosa
    Te daré una cosa
    Una cosa que yo solo se

    I think my translation is more accurate:

    I will give you
    I will give you pretty girl
    I will give you something
    Something that only I know,

    Of course, as a song, the translation does not work at all. This is why it pays to know as many languages as we can.

  12. Al Catasus Says:

    Sorry- I missed the accent on sé.

  13. Tom Says:

    The version on the MP3 must be “wrong” interpreted. The first part measures only 7 1/2 bar, which could not be so. I’m sorry, it definitly stutters.

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