O meu chapéu tem três bicos
This is the Portuguese version of "My Hat It Has Three Corners".
"My kids and I sing this song all the time in English and now, Portuguese as well. The melody is the same." -Lindie

O meu chapéu tem três bicos
My Hat Has Three Corners
Children's Song
Children's Song
O meu chapéu tem três bicos
Tem três bicos o meu chapéu
Se não tivesse três bicos
O chapéu não era meu.
My hat has three corners
Three corners has my hat,
If it hadn't three corners
My hat would not be mine.
The translation above is literal. Here's the English version of this song (which is almost identical):
My hat it has three corners,
Three corners has my hat,
And had it not three corners,
Then it would not be my hat!
Game Instructions
It's a fun song because you sing it with three gestures: hat (you pat
your head), three (hold up three fingers), and corner (made by putting
your two index finger-tips together and your two tips of your thumbs
together, making a triangle shape). The first time through, you sing
the song normally with the gestures, the second time through, you
don't sing the word "hat;" you only make the gesture for it. Third
time through, you replace "hat" and "three" with gestures. On the
final round, you make gestures for "hat, three, corners," without
singing those words.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song and for the illustration. Thanks to Lindie for sending the game instructions!