I Went to Itororo
Circle Game
Circle Game
Eu fui no Itororó
Beber água e não achei
Achei linda morena, que no Itororó deixei
Aproveita minha gente que uma noite não é nada
Quem não dormir agora, dormirá de madrugada
O Mariazinha, ó Mariazinha
Entrarás na roda, ficaras sózinha.
Sozinha eu nao fico, nem hei de ficar
Pois um de voçes há de ser meu par.
I went to Itororo
To drink water, and found none.
I found a beautiful brunette, and left her there.
Enjoy people! One night is nothing to waste!
Whoever does not sleep now, will sleep at dawn.
O little Mary,
Come into the merry-go-round or you'll be alone!
I am not alone and I won't stay that way
Since one of you has to be my partner.
Game Instructions
Itororó is a circle game. Kids sing and walk in a circle holding hands. You can alternate movements following the musical form, such as: go around to the right and to the left, go back and forward.
On "ó Mariazinha, ó Mariazinha", you have to switch "Mariazinha" for a kid's name like "John". So, John goes to the middle of the circle and starts a dance while singing the final sentences: "Sozinha(o) eu não fico nem hei de ficar, porque eu tenho a XXXX para ser meu par" choosing another kid (XXXX) to take the middle place.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Patricia Pinheiro for contributing and translating this nursery rhyme. Thanks to Cheryl for the extra two lines. Thanks to Jéssica de Almeida for the game instructions.