Ciranda, Cirandinha
"This is the most well-known circle dance in Brazil." - Bruna

Ciranda, Cirandinha
Circle, Little Circle
Circle Game
Circle Game
Ciranda, cirandinha,
Vamos todos cirandar
Vamos dar a meia volta,
Volta e meia vamos dar.
O anel que tu me destes
Era de vidro e se quebrou,
O amor que tu me tinhas
Era pouco e se acabou.
Por isso dona Sancha
Entre dentro desta roda
Diga um verso bem bonito,
Diga adeus e va-se embora.
Circle, little circle,
Let us all circle round and round
Let's circle halfway around,
All around we shall circle.
The ring you gave me
Was made of glass and broke,
The love you had for me
Was small and ended.
That's why, Mrs. Sancha*,
Enter in this circle
Tell a very nice verse,
Say farewell and go away!
*"Instead of saying 'Mrs. Sancha' you can leave it blank and put in the name of a child in the circle. This child goes to the center of the circle and says a poem or verse, than she goes back to her place and the game starts over." -Sandra Esper (from Brazil)
Game Instructions
Everyone sings the song while holding hands and going around in a circle clockwise. On the 3rd line they go around once in the opposite direction. Then they back to circling clockwise. On the last verse, the person named goes into the middle of the circle and then at the end of the song that person recites a verse. Then the game starts over again.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Patricia Pinheiro for contributing and translating this nursery rhyme song (with Lisa). Thanks also to Iona for contributing the third verse and the guitar chords. Thanks to Bruna Marcela Benevenutti for commenting on the song.