Samba Lelê
Below are the lyrics to Samba Lele in Portuguese, followed by an English translation and an mp3 recording. The recording is by a French class who sings the song for us!

Samba Lelê
Samba Lele
Children's Song
Children's Song
Samba Lelê está doente
Está com a cabeça quebrada
Samba Lelê precisava
De umas dezoito lambadas
Samba, samba,
Samba ô Lelê
Pisa na barra da saia ô Lalá (x2)
Ó Morena bonita,
Como é que se namora ?
Põe o lencinho no bolso
Deixa a pontinha de fora
Ó Morena bonita
Como é que se casa
Põe o véu na cabeça
Depois dá o fora de casa
Ó Morena bonita
Como é que cozinha
Bota a panela no fogo
Vai conversar com a vizinha
Ó Morena bonita
Onde é que você mora
Moro na Praia Formosa
Digo adeus e vou embora.
Samba Lele is sick,
She broke her head.
Samba Lele needed
Eighteen whackings*.
Dance the samba, dance the samba,
Dance the samba o Lele
Step on the hem of the skirt, o Lala. (x2)
O pretty brunette,
How does one get a boyfriend?
Put your handkerchief in your pocket,
Let its top show out.
O pretty brunette
How does one get married?
Put the veil on your head
Then skedaddle from home.
O pretty brunette
How does one cook?
Put the pan on the fire
Go and chat with the neighbor.
O pretty brunette
Where do you live?
I live on a beautiful beach,
I say goodbye and go away.
*Alternate to this line is "de uma boa lambada" ("a good whacking").
Here's the chorus that the children are singing in the mp3:
Samba, samba,
Samba ô Lelê
Pisa na barra da saia
Samba, samba,
Samba ô Lelê
Na barra da saia ô Lalá
Raffi made Sambalele popular in the US. His lyrics are very different. You can find something very close to Raffi's Samba lele lyrics by clicking the link (hopefully it'll stay online).

Many thanks to the CM2 (5th grade) students, St-Ambreuil (71), France, school year 2008-2009" for singing this song for Mama Lisa's World and for the wonderful illustration!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Ellen Harold-Stein for pointing this song out to us. Many thanks to Monique Palomares for creating the midi music.
Translated by Monique Palomares with a little help from Lisa Yannucci.