Киця Моя, Кицю
Киця Моя, Кицю
My Pussycat, My Pussycat
Children's Song
Children's Song
Киця моя, кицю,
Не лізь на полицю,
Не скидай кружечків,
Не з'їдай верше чків.
My pussycat, my pussycat,
Don't get on the shelf,
Don't drop the mugs
Don't eat the cream.
Kycya moya, kycyu,
Ne liz' na polycyu,
Ne skydaj kruzhechkiv,
Ne z'yidaj vershe chkiv.
This picture was created by the painter Lyubov Androshchuk. The illustration is in a book published by the GRONO Publishing House in 1997 (ISBN 966-7289-22-2).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Andrew Kuzmenok for contributing and translating this song.
Duzhe dyakuyu!
Дуже Дякую!