Їде півник на коні
Їде півник на коні
The Rooster Is Riding the Horse
Children's Song
Children's Song
Їде півник на коні
Куряву здіймає.
1 Тикуда, тикуда?
Курочка питає.
2 Їду, курочко, прощай,
На війну велику.
3 Кудкуда, кудкуда!
Кури голосити.
The rooster is riding the horse,
It is raising dust.
Where are you? Where are you?
The hen is asking.
I am leaving, hen, good-bye,
For a great war.
Where are you? Where are you?
The hens began to sob.
This picture was created by the painter Lyubov Androshchuk. The illustration is in a book published by the GRONO Publishing House in 1997 (ISBN 966-7289-22-2).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Andrew Kuzmenok for contributing and translating this song.
Duzhe dyakuyu!
Дуже Дякую!