Roti Rösli - Swiss Children's Songs - Switzerland - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image
Roti Rösli - Swiss Children's Songs - Switzerland - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Comment After Song Image


Julie wrote: "The Swiss dialect printed here is from Zurich but it actually exists in all dialects (the words vary a little).

I know this because my mum and dad are originally from Bern and so my brother and I spoke the Bernese dialect until we went to school. As we lived in Zurich, we obviously learned the other dialect as well.

Normally there is no difficulty in understanding the different dialects (besides the ones they speak in the mountain regions, these are difficult to understand (even for Swiss people!). I don't know exactly how many dialects of Swiss German exist, there are 21 cantons* in which German is spoken, but the dialects can differ even within one canton."

*Cantons are states or political divisions in Switzerland.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Roti Rösli

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Uwe for contributing this song and to Julie Steiner for translating it.

Thanks to Lila for the illustration!

Dank schön!