Gilles Diss sent us this French song about hand-washing to share. Below you’ll find the French lyrics, followed by an English translation and a video. Enjoy!
Frotte, frotte
©Gilles Diss
Il faut bien se laver les mains
Pour chasser les microbes
Il faut bien se laver les mains
En frottant lentement,
Il faut bien se laver les mains,
Je frotte, je savonne,
Il faut bien se laver les mains
Frotte, frotte bien les mains,
Elles seront contentes,
Frotte, frotte bien les mains,
Ça leur fait du bien,
Frotte, frotte bien les mains,
Elles seront contentes,
Frotte, frotte bien les mains,
Ça leur fait du bien.
English Translation:
Scrub, Scrub
Hands must be washed well
To get rid of germs
Hands must be washed well
By scrubbing slowly,
You have to wash your hands well,
I scrub, I soap,
Hands must be washed well
Scrub, scrub your hands well,
They will be happy,
Scrub, scrub your hands well,
It makes them feel good,
Scrub, scrub your hands well,
They will be happy,
Scrub, scrub your hands well,
It makes them feel good.
Many thanks to Gilles Diss for sharing this great song with us! You can watch more of Gilles videos on the Gilles Diss YouTube Channel.
This article was posted on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 at 5:15 pm and is filed under Belgium, Canada, Countries & Cultures, France, French, French Kids Songs, Handwashing Songs, Languages, Mama Lisa, Songs by Theme, Switzerland, YouTube. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.