By Monique Palomares
In France, these are special birthdays:
1 – Because it’s the first!
18 – It’s when you’re officially an adult. More importantly, it’s when you can legally drink alcohol and drive a car. (Not at the same time of course!)
20 – Because you’re now the youngest “0”-aged adult you’ll ever be. There’s an old song from 1934 that goes:
“On n’a pas tous les jours vingt ans
Ça nous arrive une fois seulement
C’est le jour le plus beau d’ la vie…”
Literal translation:
“We aren’t 20 years old every day
It only happens to us once
It’s the most beautiful day of life…”
All the “0” ages are special… 50 being the most important, maybe because it’s half of 100 and it’s considered when you enter “l’âge mûr” meaning maturity.
Image: By Roland Tanglao – Noisettine Cake from La Petite France, pd.
This article was posted on Friday, October 2nd, 2020 at 6:51 pm and is filed under Birthdays, Countries & Cultures, France, Holidays Around the World, Mama Lisa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.