Jane Fuld wrote asking for help with a nursery hand game her German father played with the little kids in her family. Here is her email:
Hi Lisa,
My Dad was born in a German community in Southern Illinois in 1915. Most of his ancestors came to the US before 1850 from near Ravensburg, Germany, with a Swiss, Austrian and Frenchman thrown into the mix. Dad lived next door to his maternal grandparents. They were all born in Illinois but they and his parents spoke German at home. As the oldest of seven kids my Dad didn’t speak English until he went to school. German was taught at school from 1st to 12th grade. There was a German newspaper etc. in the town.
My point in writing is to see if you have any clue about this little game loved by all kids from infant to kindergarten. This has been passed down in the family and my grandkids are the sixth generation. I wrote the following for my sister-in-law who now has a 1 yr old grandchild. I still do Sollie Mollie to any little ones I meet, including my 4 yr old twin grandkids. To a child my grown kids, grandkids, friends’ kids, etc. have been mesmerized.
It would be great if this rings a bell with anyone or maybe it was just a family nonsense game. Thanks for reading this long note but I thought it needed some context. (See game below.)
Jane Probst. Fuld
Sollie Mollie
Sollie, Mollie, boo-da-va-key. Ghee ghee ghee. Bot-chi,
bot-chi, bot-chi.
I can’t vouch for the spelling as I’ve never seen it written down. This is pretty close phonetically.
Motions. Say each word separately as you do the action. I like to say it softly (almost whisper it) like it’s our secret. Then when they ask for more might do it on cheek, arm, tummy, back of hand, foot. I’ve done it 8-10 times on a child and they still hold out their palm and ask for more.
Sollie, Mollie, boodavakey. – Three light strokes on palm of hand with index finger.
Ghee ghee ghee. – Three little pokes in middle of palm, again with index finger.
Botchi, botchi, botchi. Three pats w/ open hand on palm, use 2-3 fingers.
If anyone can help with this game, please let us know in the comments below.
Thanks in advance!
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Wednesday, May 1st, 2019 at 6:34 pm and is filed under Austria, Countries & Cultures, German, German Nursery Rhymes, Germany, Languages, Mama Lisa, Nursery Rhymes, Pennsylvania Dutch, Pennsylvania Dutch, Pennsylvania Dutch Nursery Rhymes, Questions, Readers Questions, Switzerland, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
May 25th, 2022 at 5:13 pm
This is the only thing I can find online about this! My grandmother used to play this game with me when I was a baby. Any information is appreciated, seems the meaning is lost in my family.