Kat Kop
Kat Kop
Cat's Head
Children's Song
Children's Song
De kop van de kat was jarig
zijn pootjes vierden feest
het staartje kon niet meedoen
dat is pas ziek geweest
het kwam pas uit het zieken huis
en had zo'n pijn in z'n keel
en al dat dansen en dat springen
dat was hem veel te veel.
It was the birthday of the cat's head.
His little legs were celebrating.
His little tail could not join the party,
It recently has been ill,
He just came out of the hospital,
And he has such a pain in his throat.
All the dancing and jumping;
Too much for him.
Here's is an Indonesian translation of this song:
Hari itu adalah hari ultah kepala kucing
Kaki-kaki kecilnya (gembira) merayakannya
(Sayang) ekor mungilnya tak dapat turut serta
Karena dia belum pulih
Dia baru pulang dari rumah sakit
Dan tenggorokannya meradang
Karena terlalu banyak
Menari dan melompat
Many thanks to Pia Melania Pong Masak for the Indonesian translation!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Harri Saptadi for contributing this song and for the sheet music, and to Anna-Marie Arijs for translating it. Thanks also to Monique Palomares for the midi music.
Dank u wel!