Can Anyone Help Identify a Dutch Kids Song?

Glenda shared the video below with the following…

“Lil Fi is happy to have me share this. She comes to our centre every fortnight and spends a half hour in each room. This is a favourite song especially in the babies’ room. Can anyone shed some light on this song please? I think it is Dutch.”

The language has been confirmed as Dutch. If anyone can share the lyrics, please let us know in the comments below. Thanks in advance! -Mama Lisa

UPDATE: We got the words and translation and posted it on Mama Lisa’s World! The link is We zijn er bijna (We’re Almost There).

This article was posted on Thursday, September 12th, 2019 at 5:11 pm and is filed under Belgium, Children's Songs, Dutch, Dutch Children's Songs, Languages, Mama Lisa, Netherlands, Questions, Readers Questions, YouTube. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

4 Responses to “Can Anyone Help Identify a Dutch Kids Song?”

  1. Lisa Says:

    It’s sung on the way to see someone. It means “We are almost there (3x) but not all the way.” Still trying to find the Dutch.

  2. Michel Says:

    Hello Mama Lisa,

    Thank you for this beautiful website, my kids love it!

    Have a look here: (bottom of the page)

    Best regards,

    Michel Beka

  3. Anne Says:

    I can send you the notes. It’s a song we sing with the kids when we are walking a long way. I have the version from the youtube video and the version that is a little different that I learned as a kid (Belgium).

  4. Lisa Says:

    That would be great Anne! Thanks!

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