Can Anyone Help with a Song that Sounds like, “Dala, mala, kesha, kelpsha, svencha”?

Amanda wrote looking for help with a song:

“Hi! I need help! I’m not sure of the origin of this song. My aunt said maybe it’s Dutch or German. It has been passed down many years from family elders. I now have my own children and have often caught myself singing the same song/game to them. But have no idea where it comes from or what it means!

This is all spelled phonetically and I’m hoping someone is able to help!

My grandmother used to take our palms and slowly rub her palm down ours with each word. It sounds like:

‘Dala, mala, kesha, kelpsha, svencha.’

Then she would make a high pitched voice and say ‘giddy, giddy, giddy’ or ‘teep, teep, teep’ and tickle us. It is driving me crazy!

I’m hoping someone can help me, thank you!”

If anyone can help with this song, please let us know in the comments below.

Thanks in advance!

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Friday, August 7th, 2020 at 7:14 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, Dutch, German, Germany, Languages, Mama Lisa, Netherlands, Rhymes by Theme, Tickling Rhymes, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

5 Responses to “Can Anyone Help with a Song that Sounds like, “Dala, mala, kesha, kelpsha, svencha”?”

  1. Mr Fromm Says:

    I hear words like “Taler” (an old coin in Germany), Kälbchen (a calf) … could it be this here?

  2. Lisa Says:

    Thanks for your response Mr. Froom! We have a slightly different version of that rhyme on Mama Lisa’s World with a translation at the link below:

    Hier Hast du ‘nen Taler
    (Here You Have a Thaler)

  3. Lisa Says:

    I found this rhyme on this thread about a German lap rhyme on the Mama Lisa Blog:

    Dille, dille Dänzchen

    You touch the hand very soft each time and in the last row you tickle the child.

  4. Kami Eaton Says:

    I know your post is from 2020 but I was doing some research if my own to find the meaning of the same exact thing!! My grandmother and great aunt came over seas from Germany as young women. They use to do this to all of the children. They both passed when I was young so I never got a chance nor did I care to ask what the meaning was. Older now I was finally curious enough to start researching and found your question. They would say “maaaaalaaaa” daaaalaaaa” and then start doing the tickle of the palm saying “giddy giddy giddy” as an adult your like what in the world did that even mean so yeah. I cannot help with your question or mine but it made my day seeing you had the same experience as me!

  5. Tabatha Says:

    Did you ever find the exact one? My grandma who was 1st Gen American, family from Austria, use to say the same version you recall with the “Da la Ma la” instead of the Taler Maler. I’m wondering if it just wasn’t just mispronounced after being a generation removed from their home country, or a dialet or accent. The Taler Maler is otherwise very similar to what I remember.

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