I Went to the Pictures Tomorrow
"From Manchester… my dad and mum told us lots of rhymes... this one stuck in my mind…" -Colette
I Went to the Pictures Tomorrow
Nonsense Rhyme
I went to the pictures tomorrow
I bought a front seat at the back
A lady gave me an Apple
I ate it and gave it her back.
Another Version
I went to the pictures tomorrow
I took a front seat at the back,
I fell from the pit to the gallery
And broke a front bone in my back.
A lady she gave me some chocolate,
I ate it and gave it her back.
I phoned for a taxi and walked it,
And that's why I never came back.
That version is from Kirkcaldy, according to "The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren" by Iona and Peter Opie.

You can hear the version that's in the song notes at 1:07 in the video below…
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Here's another version:
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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Colette for sharing this rhyme with us!