Herrin's Heed
Geordie is a regional dialect of English. "The word Geordie refers both to a native of Newcastle upon Tyne and to the speech of the inhabitants of that city." -British Library
Herrin's Heed
Herring's Head
Folk Song
Folk Song
(Geordie Dialect)
1. What'll we do with a herrin's heed?
What'll we do with a herrin's heed?
We'll make it into loaves of bread
Herrin's head, loaves of bread
And all manner of things:
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herrin is the one for me.
How are you the day?
How are you the day?
How are you the day,
My hinny-o?
2. And what'll we do with a herrin's eyes?
And what'll we do with a herrin's eyes?
We'll mak' em into puddings and pies
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's heed, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herrin is the one for me.
3. And what'll we do with a herrin's tail?
And what'll we do with a herrin's tail?
We'll mak' em into a ship that sails
Herrin's tail, ship that sails
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's heed, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herrin is the one for me.
4. And what'll we do with a herrin's fins?
And what'll we do with a herrin's fins?
We'll mak' em into needles and pins
Herrin's fins needles and pins
Herrin's tail, ship that sails
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's heed, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herrin is the one for me.
5. And what'll we do with a herrin's belly?
And what'll we do with a herrin's belly?
We'll mak' em into a lass called Nelly
Herrin's belly, lass called Nelly
Herrin's fins needles and pins
Herrin's tail, ship that sails
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's heed, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herrin is the one for me.
6. And what'll we do with a herrin's guts?
And what'll we do with a herrin's guts?
We'll mak' em into a pair of boots
Herrin's guts, a pair of boots.
Herrin's belly, lass called Nelly
Herrin's fins needles and pins
Herrin's tail, ship that sails
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's heed, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herrin is the one for me.
1. What'll we do with a herring's head?
What'll we do with a herring's head?
We'll make it into loaves of bread
Herring's head, loaves of bread
And all manner of things:
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herring is the one for me.
How are you the day?
How are you the day?
How are you the day,
My honey-o?
2. And what'll we do with a herring's eyes?
And what'll we do with a herring's eyes?
We'll make them into puddings and pies
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's head, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herring is the one for me.
3. And what'll we do with a herring's tail?
And what'll we do with a herring's tail?
We'll make them into a ship that sails
Herring's tail, ship that sails
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's head, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herring is the one for me.
4. And what'll we do with a herring's fins?
And what'll we do with a herring's fins?
We'll make them into needles and pins
Herring's fins, needles and pins
Herring's tail, ship that sails
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's head, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herring is the one for me.
5. And what'll we do with a herring's belly?
And what'll we do with a herring's belly?
We'll make them into a girl called Nelly
Herring's belly, girl called Nelly
Herring's fins, needles and pins
Herring's tail, ship that sails
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's head, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herring is the one for me.
6. And what'll we do with a herring's guts?
And what'll we do with a herring's guts?
We'll make them into a pair of boots
Herring's guts, a pair of boots.
Herring's belly, girl called Nelly
Herring's fins, needles and pins
Herring's tail, ship that sails
Herrin's eyes, puddings and pies
Herrin's head, loaves of bread
And all manner of things.
And of all the fish that live in the sea
The herring is the one for me.
There's also a Scottish version of Herrins Head.
I asked Ellen Murphy-Clarke if this song is originally Scottish or Geordie and she wrote, "I think it's a highly debatable issue finding the geographic origins of 'Herrins Heed' but it is widely sung in the north east and uses Geordie dialect in my version so it had become integral to our culture also if indeed it was originally from Scotland. Of course we are very close to the scottish border here in Newcastle!"
Game Instructions
1. On "Herrin's Head": Gently tap your head with both hands.
On "Loaves of Bread": Making a chopping motion like you're cutting bread.
2. On "Herrin's Eyes": Point to your eyes.
On "Puddings and Pies": Make a stirring motion like you're mixing food.
3. On "Herrin's Tail": Put your arm out behind you and flap it up and down.
On "Ship that Sails": Move your arm and hand up and down to mimic a ship on waves.
4. On "Herrin's Fins": Bend and flap your arm up and down.
On "Needles and Pins": Mime sewing.
5. On "Herring's Belly": Point to your belly.
On "Lass called Nelly": Point to yourself.
6. On "Herring's Guts": Make a grossed out face.
On "Pair of Boots": Point to your feet.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Ellen Murphy-Clarke for sharing this song, with the translation, video and recording!
Ellen Murphy-Clarke wrote, "I am a Northumbrian born lass living in Newcastle upon Tyne (Geordieland) and have been a primary school teacher here for 30 years. Passionate about music and a singer, choral conductor and multi instrumentalist. Find me on Facebook as Geordie Ginger Singer!"