Melc, melc codobelc
"Codobelc" is what kids call snails in Romania.
Melc, melc codobelc
Snail, Snail with No Tail
Children's Song
Children's Song
Melc melc codobelc
Scoate coarne bourești*
Și te du la Dunăre
Și bea apă tulbure
Și te du la baltă
Și bea apă caldă
Și te suie pe copaci
Și mănâncă la gândaci
Melc melc codobelc
Scoate coarne bourești
Și te suie pe buștean
Și mănâncă leuștean
Și te suie pe uluci
Și mănâncă mere dulci
Și te suie pe butoi
Și manâncă usturoi.
Snail, snail, with no tail
Pull out your horns,
And go to the Danube
And drink muddy water
And go to the pond
And drink hot water
And climb on trees
And eat cockroaches.
Snail, snail,
Pull out your horns,
And climb on the log
And eat lovage
And go on the drainpipe
And eat sweet apples
And climb on the barrel
And eat garlic.
*"Coarne bourești" means "bovine-like horns" (actually "aurochs-like" as "bour" means "aurochs" in Romanian). Some versions have it as "bourel" instead (same meaning).
Re "Codobelc": CODOBÉLC, codobelci, name given to the snail in some children's games. Contamination between codoberc (without tail) and snail. -Translated from an online Romanian Dictionary
"This song is a favorite of the kids when they find a snail and they can play with it and the retractile eyes." -Bogdan Jaglau

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Adrian Danila from Cantece Gradinita for contributing and translating this rhyme for us (with Lisa).