We received these three Romanian songs by Eva Partin. Would anyone be able to help translate any of them? We’d greatly appreciate any help!
Vine, vine primavara!
Vine, vine primavara!
Se asterne-n toata tara!
Floricele pe cimpii,
Hai sa le-adunam copii!
Floricele pe cimpii,
Hai sa le-adunam copii!Creste, creste iarba verde,
Ciocirlia n-or se pierde,
Haideti s-ascultam copii,
Al ei cintec din cimpii!
Haideti s-ascultam copii,
Al ei cintec din cimpii!Cucu cucu, striga tare,
Pitpalacu’n lunca sare,
Mieii zburda pe cimpii,
Haideti sa-i vedem copii!
Mieii zburda pe cimpii,
Haideti sa-i vedem copii!Podul de piatra
Podul de piatra s-a darimat,
A venit apa si l-a luat!
Vom face altul pe riu in jos,
Altul mai trainic si mai frumos!
Vom face altul pe riu in jos,
Altul mai trainic si mai frumos!Batistuta
Am pierdut o batistuta,
Cine a gasit-o?
Eu il rog ca sa mi-o dea
Si-l sarut indata.
Batista parfumata
Se afla la o fata
La o fata frumoasa,
Pe care o iubesc!
Feel free to tranlsate any of these songs in the comments below or email me at lisa@mamalisa.com .
Thanks in advance!
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Wednesday, April 14th, 2010 at 12:28 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Languages, Mama Lisa, Questions, Readers Questions, Romania, Romanian, Traditional Songs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
September 10th, 2010 at 1:28 pm
Your website is just wonderful!
Thank you for doing it.
September 10th, 2010 at 2:44 pm
Handkerchief/Tissue (Batistuta)
I lost my handkerchief/tissue,
Who has found it?
I´ll bag him/her to hand it back to me
And i´ll kiss him/her deeply.
My perfumed handkerchief/tissue
Is by a girl
By a beautiful girl,
Wich i am in love with!
September 10th, 2010 at 2:58 pm
Stonebridge (Podul de piatra)
The stonebridge broke down,
The water came and poured it down!
We´ll built another one,
Another one who will last and is even beautifuler!
We´ll built another one,
Another one who will last and is even beautifuler!
September 10th, 2010 at 3:15 pm
Spring is coming, is coming! (Vine, vine primavara!)
Spring is comin, is coming!
All over the country!
Flowers on the fields,
Children let us pick them!
Flowers on the fields,
Children let us pick them!
The grass grows, grows green,
The larks won´t get lost,
Children let us go and listen to them,
At their songs in the fields!
Children let us go and listen to them,
At their songs in the fields!
Cuckoo cuckoo, yell out loud,
He jumps on his feet,
Lambs are playing on the fields,
Children let us go to see them!
Lambs are playing on the fields,
Children let us go to see them!