Dowdy-cow, Dowdy-cow
This rhyme is from Yorkshire in Northern England and is in the Yorkshire dialect.
"Dowdy-cow" or "cush cow lady" are local terms for ladybugs and ladybirds.

Dowdy-cow, Dowdy-cow
Ladybug, Ladybug
Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme
(English Dialect)
Dowdy-cow, dowdy-cow,
Ride away heame,
Thy* house is burnt,
And thy bairns are tean.
And if thou means to save thy bairns:
Take thy wings and flee away!
Ladybug, ladybug
Ride away home,
Thy house is burnt,
And thy kids are taken.
And if thou means to save thy kids
Take thy wings and flee away!
*"Thy" is pronounced as "thee"
Please email me if you have heard this rhyme. We're wondering if it's still recited nowadays. Thanks! Mama Lisa
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Illustration by Monique Palomares.