The theme of this song is very old. Such ballads existed in Ancient History. The melody of the song can be traced back to the 15th century.

Since it's a ballad, we tried to keep the German "thee-thou" in the English translation.


*Grünheide is a town in Brandenburg, Germany. It's situated south-east of Berlin on the River Löcknitz.

There's a much shorter version with only 5 verses, the first 3 are the same as the first three above, the last two verse are as follows…

4. Der Fischer wohl fischte lange,
bis er den Toten fand.
Nun sieh' da, du liebliche Jungfrau,
hast hier deinen Königssohn,
hast hier deinen Königssohn.

5. Sie nahm ihn in ihre Arme
Und küßt ihm den bleichen Mund
Es musst´ ihr das Herz zerbrechen
Sie sank in den Tod zur Stund,
Sie sank in den Tod zur Stund.

English Translation

4. The fisherman fished for a long time,
Until he found the dead.
"Now look there, lovely maiden,
Here thou hast thy king's son,
Here thou hast thy king's son."

5. She took him in her arms
And kissed his pale mouth
It must have broken her heart,
She sank to her death at once,
She sank to her death at once.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Es waren zwei Königskinder

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.