Bob wrote asking for help with a German rhyme. Here’s his note:
Hi Lisa,
Now that I am a grandfather, I would like to play a little German rhyme and hand game with my granddaughter, that my mother used to do with me when I was a toddler. I sort of know some of the words, but would like the complete verse, if someone knows. Here is what I know:
Haachichen, haachichen,*
Wo warst du den?
Im kellerchen
Was hast gemacht?
Die milch genasht?
Abchik, Abchik, Abchik
*That is what it sounds like but it’s about a kitten who laps milk in the cellar.
As the lines are spoken, you hold the child’s hands in yours, and stroke her cheeks with her hands. On the last line, you gently spank her cheeks. I did this with my daughter when she was young, and she couldn’t get enough of it.
I would really appreciate the correct lyrics.
Bob Gatzke
From Mama Lisa: I found the following rhyme in the book “Volkskundliches aus Fischbach” (Folklore from Fischbach) by C. Kleeberger (1901). It appears to be a variation of Bob’s rhyme:
Minnekätzchen, wo warst du denn?
„Im Kellerchen”.
Was that’st du da?
„Hab’ Milch genascht und ‘S Löffelchen zerbrochen”,
Kätzchen husch, husch, husch!
Which loosely translates to:
Kitten-love, where have you been?
“In the cellar”.
What did you do there?
“Have milk and the spoon broke.”
Kitten, shoo, shoo, shoo!
Can anyone help Bob with his version? If so, please comment below.
Thanks in advance!
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Sunday, July 14th, 2019 at 10:56 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, German, German Nursery Rhymes, Germany, Languages, Mama Lisa, Nursery Rhymes, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.