Schlaf, Chindli, schlaf!
Schlaf, Chindli, schlaf!
Sleep, Little Child, Sleep!
(Swiss German)
Schlaf, Chindli, schlaf!
De Vater hüetet d' Schaf,
Und d' Mueter schüttlet d's Böimeli,
Da falle schöni Tröimeli.
Schlaf, Chindli, schlaf!
Schlaf, Chindli, schlaf!
De Vater hüetet d' Schaf,
Und d' Mueter hüetet d' Lämmeli
Bhüet di Gott, mys Ängeli,
Schlaf, Chindli, schlaf!
Sleep, little child, sleep!
Father guards the sheep,
And Mother shakes the little tree,
Then a little dream falls down,
Sleep, little child, sleep!
Sleep, little child, sleep!
Father guards the sheep,
And Mother guards the lambs
May God guard you, my little angel!
Sleep, little child, sleep!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares.
Vielen Dank!