Ickle Ockle, Blue Bottle
Ickle Ockle, Blue Bottle
Circle Game
Ickle* ockle, blue bottle
Fishes in the sea,
If you want a partner*
Just choose me!
*Ickle is baby talk for "little".
**It used to be sung as "pretty maid".
Another Version:
Ickle ockle
Chocolate bottle
Ickle ockle out!
Game Instructions
Children form a circle with one child in the center. The kids go around in a circle and sing the song. At the end everyone has to find a partner and the one in the center has to try to steal one of those partners. Whoever is left without a partner has to be the new person in the center or the one in the center has to stay there if she can't get a partner.

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