Each time this song is sung you change the color of the bird.

The Blue Bird - Scottish Children's Songs - Scotland - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*Change the color of the bird for each repetition of the song.

Game Instructions

The players dance around in a ring. One who was previously chosen by the process of a clapping-out rhyme, is "It". That child goes first outside, then into the center of the circle.

Her business now is to decide who shall succeed her. According to the color of the bird (which changes each round) - red, blue, green, or yellow, etc. – the players who are wearing that color go to the center of the circle. The process goes on, until all have had a chance to be in the middle of the circle.

The video below is a variation of the song above. It was filmed in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1951. Here are the lyrics:

Take a little hop and a dance with your partner,
Take a little hop and a dance with your partner,
Take a little hop and a dance with your partner,

Here comes a bluebird through my window,
Here comes a bluebird through my window,
Here comes a bluebird through my window,

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

This song can be found in "Children's Rhymes, Children's Games, Children's Songs, Children's Stories," by Robert Ford, Illustrated by Kate T. Hill (Glascow, 1904).