Matalan torpan balladi
Here's a Finnish folk song.
Matalan torpan balladi
The Ballad of a Small Cabin
Folk Song
Folk Song
1. Suomessa olen minä syntynyt tuolla
kauniissa karjalassa,
sinisen järven rannalla, siellä
majassa matalassa,
sinisen järven rannalla, siellä
majassa matalassa.
2. Matalan torpan hiilloksella
käsiäni lämmittelin,
matalan torpan nättiä tyttöä
omakseni ajattelin,
matalan torpan nättiä tyttöä
omakseni ajattelin.
3. Hevonen on musta kuin tiikerikissa ja
aisat on katajasta,
mamma se sano: älä talosta nai, nai
majasta matalasta,
mamma se sano: älä talosta nai, nai
majasta matalasta.
4. Heilani illalla aseman sillalla
pienen kirjeen pisti,
taisi sillä raukalla ikäväkin olla kun
hiljallensa itki,
taisi sillä raukalla ikäväkin olla kun
hiljallensa itki.
5. Aseman kellö löi kaksi kertaa,
silloin se juna vislas,
silloin se hulivili hummeripoika sen
torpan tytön kihlas,
silloin se hulivili hummeripoika sen
torpan tytön kihlas.
6. Aseman kello löi kolme kertaa,
silloin se juna lähti,
silloin se hulivili hummeripoika sen
torpan tytön jätti,
silloin se hulivili hummeripoika sen
torpan tytön jätti.
1. I was born in Finland,
There in beautiful Karelia,
Beside a blue lake,
There in a small cabin,
Beside a blue lake,
There in a small cabin.
2. I have been warming my hands
On the embers in the small cabin,
The pretty girl of the small cabin
Has been my own in my fantasies,
The pretty girl of the small cabin
Has been my own in my fantasies.
3. The horse is as black as a tiger and
The shafts are made of juniper,
It was mom who said not to marry from a house,
But from a small cabin,
It was mom who said not to marry from a house,
But from a small cabin.
4. My sweetheart gave me a letter
Yesterday evening on the railway platform,
I guess the poor one missed me,
As she was crying softly,
I guess the poor one missed me,
As she was crying softly.
5. The clock of the railway station struck twice,
That's when the train whistled,
That's when the frivolous rascal
Got engaged to the girl of the small cabin,
That's when the frivolous rascal
Got engaged to the girl of the small cabin.
6. The clock of the railway station struck thrice,
That's when the train left,
That's when the frivolous rascal
Left the girl of the small cabin,
That's when the frivolous rascal
Left the girl of the small cabin.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to MAE KaBi for sharing this song with the translation! You can access MAE KaBi's recording of this song on her Bandcamp page.