Il cucù
(Sorgete o pastorelli)
This song was composed by Giacomo Gotifredo Ferrari (1763 -1842), an Italian composer and teacher. It's sung in different languages and countries.
Il cucù
(Sorgete o pastorelli)
The Cuckoo
(Arise, Oh Shepherd Boys)
Sorgete o pastorelli, il cuculo cantò,
E già gl' albor' novelli il cielo ci annunziò.
Sorgete, sorgete, il cuculo cantò,
Sorgete, sorgete, il cuculo cantò.
Cuccù, cuccù, cuccù, cuccù!
Cuccù, cuccù, cuccù, cuccù!
Arise, oh shepherd boys, the cuckoo sang,
And already the sky proclaimed to us a new dawn.
Arise, arise, the cuckoo sang,
Arise, arise, the cuckoo sang,
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Lisa and Monique.