The Dog and The Shadow
This is a poem based on one of Aesop's Fables...

The Dog and The Shadow
His image the Dog did not know,
Or his bone's, in the pond's painted show:
"T'other dog," so he thought
"Has got more than he ought,"
So he snapped, & his dinner saw go!
Moral: Greed Is Sometimes Caught By Its Own Bait.
Verse fable by W.J. Linton (1812 - 1897). Illustration by Walter Crane (1845 - 1915).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
This poem can be found in "The Baby's Own Aesop" (1887) by Aesop, W.J. Linton and illustrated by Walter Crane.
Crane wrote the following about the verses, "For this rhymed version of the Fables I have to thank my early friend and master W.J. Linton, who kindly placed the MS. at my disposal. I have added a touch here and there, but the credit of this part of the book still belongs to him."