Tohorā nui
Sung to the tune of "Making Whoopee"...
Tohorā nui
Big Whale
Action Song
Action Song
1. Tohorā a nui
2. Tohorā roa
3. Tohorā tino mōmona
4. Tohorā whiuwhiua,
5. Tohorā piupiua e
6. Tohorā kau ana I te moana e
1. Big whale
2. Long whale
3. Really fat whale
4. Spouting whale
5. Whale wagging its tail
6. Whale swimming in the ocean.
Game Instructions
1. Make a circle with your arms over your head.
2. Stretch one arm in front of you and one out back.
3. Mime a big fat tummy.
4. Mime a spout going over your head with both arms.
5. Put your hands together down behind you and motion a wagging tail.
6. Mime swimming.

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This work is published under the Creative Commons 3.0 New Zealand Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike License (BY-NC-SA).